Fields include primary key, creation date, modification date, and more. When you add a new table, you can automatically create fields that display record creation information for each table. It can migrate data into similar but not identical files (which means it supports migration use cases).The migration tool copies Container data, too.There is an option to copy account names and passwords.It copies Value lists – just set an option.This is a command-line tool that turns data migration into something easy to do and fast. Clicking on a portal row to show the detail record just…works. Now it’s easier to do: Automatically enable a portal to display records from the current found set. You had to make a self-join relationship and write some scripts. Remember making a portal of the same type of records? You know, a list of account on the left (the Master list) and the details of a selected record on the right (the Detail). No more searching multiple screens looking for the lost inspector! But, if you want it the old way…it’s still available. The Inspector now resided in the work space window.

are over! You can now change the contents of a grouped object without ungrouping! Built in Inspector The days when you have to ungroup and move objects to make changes to text, buttons, etc. That’s right, send as many attachments as your email account will allow (based on file size, of course) using the Attach Files option to attach multiple files to each message. First off, there are several new features aimed to help developers (and users, too): Finally: Support for multiple email attachments As promised – a planned release every year – FileMaker 17 is available today! Let’s take a look at the new features.