From this point on android selects the correct one depending on the device locale for you, either when you call getString() or when referencing strings in XML via ones from res/values/strings.xml are the fallback ones, if you don't have a folder covering the users locale, this one will be used as default values. Then create a new folder values-ru and put the russian strings with identical names into res/values-ru/strings.xml. If english is your default language, just put the english strings into res/values/strings.xml. Simply create different folders for each language. If you are inside a Activity or a Service (which extend Context) you can use it like in this snippet.Īlso note that the whole language dependency can be taken care of by the android framework. GetResources() is a method of the Context class.

You can get them via String mystring = getResources().getString(R.string.mystring) The strings from strings.xml are not created at runtime. The link you are referring to seems to work with strings generated at runtime. If you have other improvement suggestions I'd be more than happy to update the answer Android: How do I get string from resources using its name?

Make sure the Languages are installed on the devices as well. The method expects an ArrayList of Locale objects with the language you want to change to on top: This is tested with Android 7.1.1 but bare in mind that it will fail on Android 8.0 (and potentially upwards) as getConfiguration is not found (the API is different) under certain build conditions. Remember to grant CHANGE_CONFIGURATION to your app. Log.e(TAG,"error changing locale (double check you're granted permissions to the app first: pm grant _CONFIGURATION )") Log.d(TAG,"locale updated to" + lanaguageList.get(0).toString()) In my projects I used the following code to do that: public static int getResId(String resName, Class c) )

Android, getting resource ID from I didn't know that Resources.getIdentifier() existed.